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Key points of purchasing rotary evaporator.

Nov. 03. 2022

The rotary evaporator has derived many functions and model versions. Today, I will summarize some key points to be considered when selecting the rotary evaporator.

Key points of purchasing rotary evaporator.

1.Vertical condenser and inclined condenser: there is no obvious difference between the two types of condenser in essence. The vertical condenser takes up less space, and the evaporator with large capacity is generally vertical. The inclined condenser occupies a lower height and is suitable for installation in the environment with limited height.

2. Selection of main machine lifting and bath lifting: The main machine lifting is mainly used below 5L, and the bath lifting is usually used above 5L.

3. Selection of vacuum pump configuration: the circulating water vacuum pump is normally equipped, which has the advantage of solvent corrosion resistance. The vacuum basically meets the requirements of conventional solvent, which is -0.098Mpa. According to the experimental needs, different types of vacuum pumps can be selected according to the evaporator capacity.

4. Selection of cooling system configuration: rotating evaporative condenser components, and selection of appropriate cooling medium will help improve solvent recovery and reduce environmental pollution. Recirculating chiller is usually used.