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Heating mode of single-layer glass reactor.

Oct. 20. 2022

Single layer glass reactor usually has its own heating function. We usually see water bath heating, electric jacket heating and steam heating.

Heating mode of single-layer glass reactor.

1. Water bath heating: water bath heating is one of the most common methods we see in daily life. When the temperature required for reaction is low, water bath heating can be used. Water bath heating generally does not exceed 75℃. If higher temperature is required, heat transfer oil can be used to replace water for oil bath heating.

2. Electric jacket heating (electric heating): the electric heating of single-layer glass reaction kettle is to wrap the electric heating wire around the reactor body or the insulating layer of the single-layer glass reaction kettle, and heat the reactor as a whole by converting the electric power into heat.

3. Steam heating: this heating method is higher than the water bath heating temperature. When the temperature is lower than 100℃, the single-layer glass reactor can be heated at a standard atmospheric pressure. When the required temperature is 100 ~ 180℃, saturated steam should be used for heating. If the temperature is required to be higher, pressurized steam can be used for heating.