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What will happen if the recirculating chiller lacks regular maintenance?

Oct. 10. 2022

What happens to the recirculating chiller without regular maintenance? After many years of use, some problems usually occur to the equipment, including the cryogenic pump.

What will happen if the recirculating chiller lacks regular maintenance?cid=13

The noise is caused by the lack of maintenance, because there will be some impurities in the water, even distilled water can not guarantee that there are no impurities. The room temperature is usually about 20 ℃, which is suitable for the growth of microorganisms. When we lack maintenance of equipment, microorganisms will cause the filter to be blocked, causing the circulation system to be not smooth, thus generating large noise. Therefore, we need to do a good job in the daily maintenance of the recirculating chiller, clean the interior of the bathtub regularly, and keep the bathtub dry after a long time of inactivity.

The reduction of refrigeration capacity may also be caused by the lack of regular maintenance. The recirculating chiller is cooled by the compressor. The electric heat generated during the operation of the equipment and the heat generated during the operation of the compressor need to be discharged from the radiator of the equipment. When we do not clean the radiator of the equipment for a long time, it will hinder the heat dissipation and reduce the cooling effect.