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Application of heater chiller in pharmaceutical and biological industries.

Feb. 27. 2023

Heater chiller is a controllable temperature control system, which usually supports the refrigeration and heating control of reactor, reaction extraction, distillation, etc., and is applied in pharmaceutical, chemical, biological, laboratory and other industries.

Application of heater chiller in pharmaceutical and biological industries.

1.The pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical and chemical industries involve many chemical reactions. Heater chiller is fully closed liquid circulation, the heat transfer medium will not absorb moisture and volatilize, and the temperature control effect is stable, meeting the needs of the pharmaceutical and chemical industry.

2. In bio-industry, in the process of biological exothermic reaction, it is necessary to cool and take away the heat in time, and provide corresponding cold source at the same time. The integrated refrigeration and heating cycle machine can improve the utilization rate of system cooling capacity and realize rapid temperature rise and fall.

3. In conventional industry, during the operation of drying equipment, it is necessary to realize the physical control of various external temperatures, and control the state of humidity through the mixing of drying equipment. Heater chiller can control different temperature requirements in the drying process by continuously adjusting the temperature of the medium, with stable performance.

4. In the adhesive industry, materials produce a lot of heat after polymerization, so they need to be cooled. Conventional water coolers can easily lead to oxidation of materials, with the risk of carbonization, which is not conducive to improving production efficiency. High and low temperature equipment can quickly reach the required temperature to avoid the risk of carbonization.