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Collaborates with Wuxi New Energy Company

Sep. 05. 2024

Wuxi New Energy Company has collaborated with Linbel Instrument to purchase two ultra-low temperature cooling water circulators. Today, we will talk about the application cases of ultra-low temperature cooling water circulators in the new energy industry.

Collaborates with Wuxi New Energy Company

The use cases of low-temperature coolant circulation chiller in new energy mainly focus on some new energy production, research and development, or testing processes that require extremely high temperature control. Although specific use cases in the field of new energy may be difficult to obtain detailed information due to industry confidentiality or delayed information updates, one can infer their potential applications in the field of new energy based on their working principles and characteristics.

Research and production of automotive batteries:

In the research and production process of automotive batteries, various performance tests need to be conducted, including charge and discharge cycle tests under high and low temperature environments. The low-temperature coolant circulation chiller can provide a stable low-temperature environment to help test the performance of batteries at extreme temperatures, thereby optimizing battery design and production processes.

At the same time, in the battery production process, certain links also require low-temperature treatment of raw materials or semi-finished products to ensure their stable performance. The low-temperature coolant circulation chiller can meet the cooling needs of these links.

Preparation of Photovoltaic Materials and Devices:

In the field of photovoltaics, precise temperature control is required during the preparation of some photovoltaic materials and the processing of devices. For example, in the preparation of solar panels, silicon wafers need to be cleaned, etched, coated, and other treatments, which often require low-temperature or constant temperature environments. The low-temperature coolant circulation chiller can provide such an environment to ensure the stability of the treatment process and product quality.

Hydrogen production and storage:

Low temperature technology also plays an important role in the production and storage of hydrogen energy. For example, the storage of liquid hydrogen needs to be carried out at extremely low temperatures to prevent hydrogen vaporization and reduce energy loss. The low-temperature coolant circulation chiller can be used in the cooling system of liquid hydrogen storage tanks to ensure that the temperature inside the storage tank remains within the required low-temperature range.

Thermal management of mechanical equipment:

Mechanical equipment often generates a large amount of heat during operation, and effective thermal management is needed to ensure the normal operation of the equipment and extend its service life. The low-temperature coolant circulation chiller can be used as part of a thermal management system to absorb and remove the heat generated by the equipment by circulating coolant, ensuring that the equipment operates within a suitable temperature range.

It should be noted that due to the rapid development and technological confidentiality in the field of new energy, specific use cases may vary from enterprise to enterprise and are difficult to obtain publicly. At present, based on the working principle and characteristics of low-temperature coolant circulation chiller, it can be inferred that they have broad application prospects and potential in the field of new energy.